Mountain Ave

Helping e-commerce stores soar to the top with powerful and proven marketing solutions. Get the most out of your business with email marketing.

Custom Email Solutions

We provide catered emails for your business and target market to help increase sales, build brand awareness, connect with your customers and much more!

These include both automated email funnels (welcome, holiday, etc.) and “daily emails” to promote your business. These emails are then A/B tested, tweaked and fine-tuned to provide you with the best emails around.

In fact, rather than you emails being a inconvenience, many customers and prospects will readily look forward to receiving them!

Magnify Your Marketing Efforts

Everyday people are coming to your site and most of them leave and never return. This isn't necessarily because they don't want your product - many of them do.

They might just be busy, low on funds, need more information or a thousand other things. With email marketing we help capture these products and overcome these obstacles with email down the road.

This in turn magnifies all marketing efforts from Facebook adverting, Google ads, social media, etc. By not offering effective emails you are losing out on thousands of dollars every month!

Agency You Can Trust

Your needs come first. We understand that as a business owner you have many responsibilities and tasks at hand that eat up your valuable time.

We will help free up some of your time while bringing in more business, allowing you can focus on other important areas and interests.

It makes more sense for you as a smart business owner to delegate email marketing to an industry expert.


Nailed it. I am truly impressed with Mountain Ave and their writing/emails. Communication rapid response were also a huge plus! I would most definitely recommend him to anyone looking to make a direct connection with their customers and increase sales. Thank you.”

Casey R.

“I am so amazed by your work, it’s absolutely incredible. Far far better than what I could of ever done myself! You have completely exceed my expectations, and you understood exactly what I needed without much input from me, thank you so much!”

Lucie J.

“These emails have not only helped increase customers but have also increased the lifetime value of my customers. They are now buying more products more often. I had no idea email marketing could work so well but I’m glad I went with Mountain Ave!”

Roger S.

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